About Us

My name is Janice, owner of Safety Vixens Boutique.

I'm 37 y/o, newly wed from So Cal. Mother of a teenage son and a 22 yr old daughter. (I was a teen mom before MTV made it cool)

Motivation for my brand was my daughter; who recently graduated college. While she was away at school, I always worried about her safety knowing she had to walk home alone from night classes or late shifts at her job. I did give her pepper spray but I wish I would have known about other safety tools she could have had to keep her safe but also feeling cute while carrying them.

Our goal is to give women peace of mind knowing they are equipped with tools to keep them safe.

Our Self-defense keychains are perfect for young women, college students, moms, delivery drivers, night shift workers, and anyone else just looking for an extra sense of safety.